
The Sanctity of Human Life

"The Sanctity of Human Life"

January 21, 2024 • Jim Moynihan

The Sanctity of Human Life" Digital Bulletin - https://mailchi.mp/alliancechurch/the-sanctity-of-human-life Questions for Personal Reflection/Group Discussion: 1.       What does it mean to be made in the image of God (Genesis 1:27)? 2.       According to David, when does the human spirit begin (Psalm 51:5-6)? 3.       What does God think about us when we are still a “blob of flesh”, as the world puts it (Psalm 139:13-16)? 4.       What implications does this have regarding our current society’s debate regarding when a fetus is considered to be a human baby? 5.       How should this impact the way you respond to the abortion crisis today? Think of one practical step you might take.