
Killing Giants

This week, we learn a little more about David, and how we can model his techniques for successfully defeating our Goliaths.

Here are 3 questions you can wrestle with this week. I encourage you to
read David vs. Goliath in 1Samuel 17. Then reflect on these questions
personally and with a circle of trusted people.

1. Every day we face giants in our lives. Maybe your giant is anxiety,
insecurity, body image, anger, or unforgiveness. The list of giants is
long and very personal. Take a moment and ask yourself.
What giant is stopping me in my tracks and blocking my
spiritual growth?

2. Once you’ve named your giant, it’s time to tap into God’s
supernatural power given to you through the Holy Spirit. Think of a
time when God fought a battle for you. You won, but you’re confident
it was because the battle belonged to the Lord. There’s power in
remembering how God came through for you in the past. Ask
yourself, when have I seen the Holy Spirit at work in my life?
Share you real life story and watch your confidence soar!

3. Knowing you show up on the battlefield with the power of the Holy
Spirit, visualize what the victory looks like. Then ask God to give you
the stepping stones – each step of the way to defeat your giant. That
might mean calling to make a counseling appointment, or studying
forgiveness in the Bible, or linking arms with a friend who’s fighting
the same battle. What’s your first step toward victory?

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