Missions Trip 2024

August 10 - 16, 2024

August 10-16 Missions Trip in the Appalachian area. 7 days/6 nights The Crossing Church is partnering with Praying Pelican Missions to set up a mission trip for a team from the Crossing. PPM exists to build up, encourage, and assist the local Church with sending missions teams in serving and reaching communities for Christ. This Crossing mission team will serve in ministry in one of several rural settings across Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia, Virginia, and Kentucky. We will have opportunities to serve in a variety of ways, from service projects to children’s ministry to mercy ministry! The exact location and ministry efforts will be matched up with our team’s gifts and skills and the needs of a local ministry partner. We will be encouraging and assisting in ongoing local ministry on your next mission trip! The cost for each member of the mission trip is $499/person, plus a $50 registration fee per person. Total cost for each person for the trip is $549. This cost covers all of our meals, transportation, lodging, and a PPM staff who will be with your team throughout the whole trip, taking care of the logistics for you so you can focus on the ministry with your team. If you want to join in our Crossing Missions trip, please register! We will contact you for registering and further details.