
Journey to the Cross

a Lent series


April 12, 2020 • Ps. Jorge Romero

The disciples were suddenly overtaken by fear and uncertainty. Then the resurrected Jesus shows up and speaks peace into their lives.


April 5, 2020 • Ps. Jorge Romero

Jesus wept over a city that could not understand His desire and purposes. Today we can also confuse God's plan for our lives; He wants to give us peace in the midst of crisis.


March 29, 2020 • Ps. Jorge Romero

The entire walk through Lent is a journey toward the cross, which represents the ultimate sacrifice for the whole world. But sacrifice is not meant only for the Lenten season; it is supposed to be part of the regular life of a disciple.


March 22, 2020 • Ps. Jorge Romero

The aching bellies were filled with bread and fish, but it didn’t take long before those bellies began to rumble again. Hungry people heard of the miracle, and they began to seek out Jesus to see if the miracle he performed once would happen again—to see if they could be part of the next one. Only, when they came to Jesus, he admonished them about looking for temporary fulfillment; about looking to have their stomachs’ filled for a moment when what he was offering was so much more than that.


March 15, 2020 • Ps. Jorge Romero

We are constantly reminded of death, even by the deep, dark colors that symbolize Lent and Holy Week. Death feels so pervasive it can be almost suffocating. We may know that feeling in our own lives or see it in the people around us. It can be easy to sink into hopelessness and despair in the midst of it all, to let the darkness overcome us. But there is a voice calling to us in the midst of that darkness.


March 8, 2020 • Ps. Jorge Romero

At one time it was very popular to ask the question “What would Jesus do?” The question was posed to help people think through decisions. But the question for the baptized is not a question of behavior modification but identity transformation. Central Passage: Romans 6:1-14


March 1, 2020 • Ps. Jorge Romero

We often live with the consequences of the sins of others. As a part of a society, we can repent of the sins occuring in society.