November 24, 2024 • Justin Ulrich • Ephesians 6:1–4
Here's a thought you might not want to think about: from the time your baby is born, you have less than 940 weeks until they leave to face the world! Every phase of parenting requires courage, but God called you to shape the hearts and prepare the minds of your children to thrive when they leave your home!
Courage in the Mirror
November 17, 2024 • Romans 12:1–3
What would it look like to have a courageous conversation with the person in the mirror? What action would you take? What truth would you hear? Sometimes, the greatest obstacle to your growth is yourself.
Courageous Marriage
November 10, 2024 • Justin and Jamie Ulrich • Ephesians 5:21–33
One of the greatest enemies of your connection in marriage is the slow drift toward entropy. Great relationships require care, intention, and courage if they are to thrive. Today we talk about the vision God had for marriage: interdependent oneness.
Courageous Humility
November 3, 2024 • Jeremiah Holthus
Often we think of courage in an extraordinary situation, but courage is most powerfully displayed in our everyday actions. That's where relationships are built and where connections are made: in the everyday. Join us as we explore the everyday example of Israel's greatest king that never was.