
The King of Heaven and Earth

May 5, 2024 • John 18:28–40

Pontius Pilate was the most powerful person Jesus ever met in terms of political and worldly power. And yet, when we look back at the meeting of a Roman Governor and a homeless teacher accused of treason, it isn't Pilate's stature or power that seem impressive.

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The Face of Grace and Truth

April 28, 2024 • John 8:1–11

In a controversial and powerful story, Jesus encountered a woman in her darkest moment. Surrounded by an angry mob, Jesus turned their wrath into introspection, allowing grace and truth to flow.

The Hands of Tangible Compassion

April 21, 2024 • Mark 1:40–45

Leprosy has been called the oldest and most feared disease known to humankind. Those afflicted endured physical disfigurement and social isolation. They were pushed to the margins of society. One such person met Jesus, and this encounter has so much to teach us about being the hands of tangible compassion.

The Voice of Righteous Disruption

April 14, 2024

When Rabbi Jesus described His way of discipleship, he said His yoke was "easy and light." Meet a voice of righteous disruption that rejected the empty rule and ritual focused religious landscape and emphasized a religion of relational love.