
Silver Linings Week 2

What are we learning about community?

June 7, 2020 • Rev Marty Benedict

The COVID pandemic has been challenging in a lot of ways. It has forced us to distance from each other and has pushed us into situations we have never been in before. But through the distancing, we have discovered ways to stay connected and in community with each other and are learning a lot about true and needed fellowship with others.

Silver Linings Week 4

June 21, 2020 • Rev Marty Benedict

The COVID pandemic has been challenging in a lot of ways. It has forced us to distance from each other and has pushed us into situations we have never been in before. But through the distancing, we have discovered what it means to stop, be present, and realize that we need more of Jesus.

Silver Linings Week 3

June 14, 2020 • Rev Marty Benedict

The COVID pandemic has been challenging in a lot of ways. It has forced us to distance from each other and has pushed us into situations we have never been in before. But through the distancing, we have discovered what it means to stop, be present, and realize that we need more of Jesus.

Silver Linings Week 1

May 31, 2020 • Pastor Dan Litzenberg

What comes to mind when you hear the word "apocalypse"? Do images of fear and destruction come to mind? Have you pondered this term in light of the circumstances around us? Check out the start of this new series as Pastor Dan deconstructs and prods us towards a fuller understanding of what this means.