
This Changes Everything Week 3

Philemon: Bitter to Forgiver

May 10, 2020 • Pastor Baly Botten

Has someone hurt you or broke your trust? Most likely. Wrongdoings are hard to get over and those negative feelings can affect us in negative and unhealthy ways. Wouldn’t it be great to get rid of those feelings and move towards freedom from them? Thankfully, Jesus has shown us how to forgive others of even the worst offenses. This Sunday we discover what real forgiveness looks like and how forgiving others can truly change everything in our lives.

This Changes Everything Week 5

May 24, 2020 • Pastor Baly Botten

Have you ever felt like God isn't around or not interested in what's going on in your life? In this final conversation of the "This Changes Everything" series, we'll take a look at how God worked behind the scenes of the people's lives in the book of Philemon and intertwined their stories to make a major impact in their lives. We'll conclude this series with a powerful time of reflection, introspection, and testimony as we look at the true benefits of knowing Jesus.

This Changes Everything Week 4

May 17, 2020 • Pastor Baly Botten

Do you feel like you need to put on a different persona at work, at school, at church, and with others? The world constantly tries to tell us who they think we should be, what to do, how to dress, what to drive, how to measure up, and how to feel and love. It's hard sometimes to remember who, and whose, we really are. Ready to break out of the rat race of measuring up to some unachievable "standard"? In this conversation we take a look at what the Bible has to say about finding freedom from peer pressure and worldly expectations, and live a life of peace, joy, and contentment.

This Changes Everything Week 2

May 3, 2020 • Pastor Baly Botten

Conversation two in our journey through Philemon focuses on the perspective of Apostle Paul. Did you know that before he became a follower of Jesus, the famous Apostle Paul, who wrote a large part of the Bible, would persecute and kill early Christians? Yikes. But a chance meeting with Jesus changed everything. Do you feel that your past, guilt, or shame are holding you back? Through Paul's life story, God shows us that his grace can soften even the hardest hearts, forgive the greatest sins (yes, even yours) and give us the freedom to live amazing lives filled with purpose, today.