
"My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”

Station 4

April 11, 2022

It is in this moment that we peak into the human heart of Jesus at the depth of his pain and suffering. While theologians have struggled with this passage for many centuries, these words reflect the angst and the suffering Jesus had endured. And, we know that feeling right? Feeling as though the light of God, like this image, has been snuffed out in our lives, leaving us in the dark, abandoned?
In every moment of Jesus’s life, he has experienced being human just as we have. In this moment, the darkness of human doubt, and feeling far away from God creeps in. Yet, we are not left there. Jesus’s prayer reflects Psalm 22, which begins with cries of lament and ends with praise of God’s unchanging nature.
In our own doubts, our own darkness, and our own pain, we can look to Jesus. Jesus knows this feeling and knows our pain. And, Jesus is the light that has never been conquered by the darkness.
We can take refuge that we are never alone in our pain. Jesus has been there too, and he will not forsake us.

Music: First Snow by Shimmer
Read By: Staci Plonsky