
“I thirst.”

Station 5

April 11, 2022

As Jesus journeys nearer to his death, these words spoken (one word in the Greek) reveal the deterioration of his condition on the cross. Jesus’s thirst is met with a prophesied sponge of wine and bitter herbs by the people, which did not satisfy him.
This goblet holds an unknown liquid, yet is large and expansive.
Many times throughout Scripture, Jesus talks of hungering and thirsting for righteousness and for life. When he meets the Samaritan woman at the well, the water she gathers will only satisfy her temporarily, yet Jesus’s living water will satisfy her eternally.
When he preaches to the crowds in the Sermon on the Mount, it is said that those who hunger and thirst for righteousness are blessed.
And when he institutes his new meal in the last supper, he offers his body and blood as an everlasting meal to unite us and to satisfy our hungry hearts.
In this moment, as his death draws near, Jesus may thirst for water in his human body. But I am sure he also thirsted for God’s righteousness, and God’s eternal presence as he suffered.
We can take comfort in Jesus’s presence with us in our own pain as we thirst for God’s presence.
Consider how Jesus offers you eternal life and satisfaction in him.

Music: Waiting For Light by Ian Kelosky
Read By: Staci Plonsky