
Ordinary Things, Extraordinary Grace: Baptism

Traditional Worship

October 10, 2021 • Rev. Allee Willcox

Today in worship we conclude a two-week sermon series on the sacraments called, “Ordinary Things, Extraordinary Grace.” Over the past two weeks, we have done an in-depth dive into our United Methodist theology of the sacraments, and what they mean for our ordinary lives. Through simple elements, like water, bread, and juice God meets us, redeems us, and continues to sanctify us. Today, we will read multiple Scriptures from the Gospel of Matthew as we explore the importance of the sacrament of Baptism. Whether our baptism happened as a young child, or as an adult, we believe as United Methodists that this act claims us once and for all in the love of Christ. In this claiming, we are called beloved and sent to share God’s love with our world.