
"It is finished."

Station 6

April 11, 2022

In Greek, this phrase is also one word: tetelestai. It is a Greek word from “telos” meaning the end or completion. But the tense of this verb is perfect, meaning that it was finished in the past, and continues to be complete and finished into our presence.
Our canvas has an image of scales in a skull, reminding us that the scales are righted in Jesus’s death.
What does it mean to you that Jesus has brought completion in his death?
What does it mean to you that this action reverberates into our present and into your life?
Surely there are things that do not feel right, complete, or balanced in your world, or in our wider world. Yet in this moment, Jesus has completed his act of self-giving love on the cross and we can trust that it continues to work for God’s perfect justice and kingdom in our world.
Spend a moment reflecting on Jesus’s perfect love in your life, and what his finished work on the cross means to you.

Music: Morning In Solace by Moments
Read By: Staci Plonsky