
Finding Peace in the Storm: Remembering Resurrection

Traditional Worship

September 26, 2021 • Rev. Allee Willcox

Today in Worship we conclude our sermon series, “Finding Peace in the Storm.” We all experience all kinds of storms in life. Sometimes the storms come from outside of us. Sometimes the storms rage within. But in the midst of all of these storms, we worship a God who is always with us, and we cling to a Savior who tells us, “My peace I give to you.” Over the last 4 weeks we have been digging into the promises of God that serve as our anchor in the storms and empower us to face our fears, anxieties and worries with faith. This week, we will explore Remembering the Resurrection with John 14 and John 16. As Jesus prepares to leave his disciples, Jesus tells them that they will not be left alone, and that the resurrection means we can know that one day our weeping will be turned to joy. As we remember the resurrection, we will remember that God’s promises of new life hold during our storms and the world’s chaos, too.