
2024 Sunset Vision Workshop Audio

Raise The Banner

0. Friday Worship - Raise the Banner in Worship

0. Wednesday Night Worship

1. God's Battle (Keynote)

Trey Morgan

2. The Cross (Keynote)

Shawn Gary

3. Identity of God's People (Keynote)

Dan Chambers

4. Speak It (Keynote)

Willie Williams

5. Gods Sovereignty (Keynote)

Billy McGuiggan

6. Disciples on Mission Go (Class)

Eli Hooper

7. Living Transformed Lives (Class)

Dan Winkler

8. A Call to All Nations (Keynote)

Chris Swinford

9. A Case for Being a New Testament-Shaped Church (Class)

Dan Chambers

This class is intended to do two things: (1) equip us to help others understand who we in churches of Christ are and what we’re trying to be as a community of faith, and (2) strengthen our conviction that being a New Testament–shaped church is a goal worth pursuing and that doing things God’s way really does matter.

10. Are They Worth Saving? (Class)

Recardo Reyes

Come learn how we can involve the local congregation in fulfilling the Great Commission through jail/prison and recovery ministries.

11. The Rest of the Story of Jesus (Class)

John Orr

New Bible study presentation that is easy for anyone to use. Everyone attending will receive two free copies and more as they need for their congregation.

12. How to Teach Adults, Part 1 (Class)

Bob Turner

Why are so many people unwilling to teach Bible class? In this first session we will explore the answer to that question along with effectively teaching adults in our Bible classes. We will discuss 7 styles of learning, 3 methods of learning, and the goal of our teaching. Most Bible classes are missing two important components…passion and application. In our second session, we will focus on how to instill passion in the hearts of learners. We will also look more deeply at how to make application of a 1st-century text in a 21st-century context.

13. Christ-Focused Leadership in a Post-Christian World, Part 1 (Class)

Steve Diggs