
Pull Up a Chair - Lesson 3

The Heart of What You Seek

Chris Johnson • James 4:1–3

The sermon presents a reflection on life's complexities and internal struggles. The speaker emphasizes the futility of relying solely on oneself or material pursuits for fulfillment. Instead, they advocate turning to God for guidance and resolution. Through anecdotes and observations, the speaker underscores the importance of recognizing inner battles and seeking spiritual fulfillment. The overarching message urges introspection and spiritual seeking as a means to address deeper needs. It's a call to recognize the insufficiency of self-reliance and materialism and to embrace a deeper connection with a higher power for true fulfillment.

Pull Up a Chair - Lesson 1

Monty Pettyjohn • James 1:19–20

This sermon addresses the destructive nature of uncontrolled anger, drawing from a narrative between friends, Brooks and Malone, to illustrate its impact. Rooted in biblical teachings from James 1:19-20, the speaker emphasizes the need to be slow to anger, as it does not align with God's righteousness. He distinguishes between righteous and sinful anger, urging listeners to confront and address their own anger issues. Practical steps like seeking forgiveness, community support, and prayer are advocated for managing anger and nurturing healthier relationships. Ultimately, the message promotes self-awareness, accountability, and spiritual growth in anger management.

Pull Up a Chair - Lesson 2

Bill Tracy • James 2:1–9

In this dialogue, the speaker discusses with his friend James the pervasive issue of discrimination throughout history, from biblical times to the present day. James emphasizes how discrimination has affected various groups, including Native Americans, African-Americans, and refugees. They delve into the roots of discrimination and its consequences, highlighting the importance of treating everyone with love and compassion. James urges listeners to adopt a perspective of grace and mercy, challenging them to see others through the eyes of Jesus. Ultimately, they advocate for the Church to be a beacon of acceptance and understanding, fostering an environment free from superficial judgments.

Pull Up a Chair - Lesson 4

Monty Pettyjohn • James 3:1–8

The speaker delves into the profound impact of words, focusing on the destructiveness of the tongue. Drawing from biblical teachings, particularly James, he emphasizes how words can both bless and harm. he highlights the difficulty in controlling speech, comparing it to taming wild animals. The destructive potential of the tongue is likened to a fire that can ravage lives. Yet, the speaker offers hope, advocating for a heart filled with God's righteousness to guide speech. He urges listeners to embark on a journey of mindful communication, seeking to build up and encourage rather than destroy with their words.