
Ask Away

9AM Service

June 18, 2023 • Bart Orth, Joel Heiser, David Bickley

1) 0:05 - What was Jesus' last name?

2) 2:20 - When I die, what will my body be like in Heaven?

3) 4:35 - What will happen to people who don't believe in Jesus?

4) 7:20 - How can I best support our pastors?

5) 11:00 - Is masturbation wrong?

6) 17:40 - What was Paul talking about in Romans 7:18-20?

7) 21:20 - What is the main difference between Jews and Christians?

8) 23:45 - I struggle with being content? Can you help?

9) 27:30 - What does the Bible say about marijuana?

10) 34:20 - There are many examples of polygamy in the Bible? Is it still ok for today?

11) 40:20 - Why does God allow bad things to happen?

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