

The Beauty of the Church...Miraculously One

Principalities & Powers (BG)

December 6, 2020 • Jon Siebert

Do you like a good fight, one where both sides have an equal opportunity to win or do you root for the underdog? You don’t have to look far today to catch a nasty argument or choose a side; people everywhere seem anxiously willing to pick up proverbial arms against their “enemy”. What if we’re looking at the wrong enemy? We’re in a war. But it’s not what you think.

Principalities & Powers (WS)

December 6, 2020 • Kenan Stolz

The Biblical authors have a world view. We all do. When communicating, our world views effect how we understand each other. So when Paul speaks to the cosmic powers, what does your world view tell you? As we finish the letter to the Ephesians, Paul pleads with us to put on the full armor of God. Ultimately the war that we fight as Christ-followers, is fought on our knees!

Parents & Work (BG)

November 29, 2020 • Kyle Wetzler • Ephesians 6:1–9

The last few months have just been hard. We’ve had to learn to juggle both unexpected and unwanted changes that have impacted every sphere of our lives. Our homes, once places of recreation and rest are now hubs for commerce and education. We’ve been thrust into new realms while simultaneously losing what was comforting. How can anything good come from such a disappointing season? Right now, we have an opportunity to shift our perspective. Right now, is the time to reset and realign our mindset when looking at our families, parenting, and work.

Parents & Work (WS)

November 29, 2020 • Kenan Stolz • Ephesians 6:1–9

We are the world's greatest salesmen to ourselves. The narratives that we tell ourselves are crucial for all interactions. As we continue our series in Ephesians, Paul is going to address children and slaves and how they need to motivated by more than their status... because they didn’t have any.

Parents & Work (HP)

November 29, 2020 • Kyle Wetzler • Ephesians 6:1–9

The last few months have just been hard. We’ve had to learn to juggle both unexpected and unwanted changes that have impacted every sphere of our lives. Our homes, once places of recreation and rest are now hubs for commerce and education. We’ve been thrust into new realms while simultaneously losing what was comforting. How can anything good come from such a disappointing season? Right now, we have an opportunity to shift our perspective. Right now, is the time to reset and realign our mindset when looking at our families, parenting, and work.

Marriage as a Visual Representation (BG)

November 22, 2020

What is love? Baby don’t hurt http://me...if half of marriages end in divorce, what is the point? Does marriage still matter? What if there is a purpose for marriage, beyond a husband and wife, and a happy life? Something deep in our core longs for connection and fulfillment, but it doesn’t come the way we think it does. Join us Sunday online or in-person at 9 or 11 am as we open the infamous marriage passage in Ephesians 5 and look at God’s vision for marriage.

Marriage as a Visual Representation (WS)

November 22, 2020 • Kenan Stolz

What is love? Baby don’t hurt http://me...if half of marriages end in divorce, what is the point? Does marriage still matter? What if there is a purpose for marriage, beyond a husband and wife, and a happy life? Something deep in our core longs for connection and fulfillment, but it doesn’t come the way we think it does. Join us Sunday online or in-person at 9 or 11 am as we open the infamous marriage passage in Ephesians 5 and look at God’s vision for marriage.

Renewal (BG)

November 15, 2020 • Jon Siebert

Motive reveals our heart. As followers of Jesus, we know what we do reveals what we believe. Encountering Christ should transform the way we live; we are literally made new and given new purpose. So, when is the last time you asked yourself why you do what you do? Join us on Sunday online or in-person at 9 or 11 am as we open Ephesians 4:17-32 together.

Renewal (WS)

November 15, 2020 • Kenan Stolz

Motive reveals our heart. As followers of Jesus, we know what we do reveals what we believe. Encountering Christ should transform the way we live; we are literally made new and given new purpose. So, when is the last time you asked yourself why you do what you do? Join us on Sunday online or in-person at 9 or 11 am as we open Ephesians 4:17-32 together.

Unity (BG)

November 8, 2020 • Jon Siebert • Ephesians 4:1–16

We have never been more divided. Our daily experience is to separate into us vs them. We like the people who think and act the same way we do; and we hate those who are different. Is there any hope for humanity? Why can’t we all be the same so we would just get along? But unity is not measured in sameness. Unity is measured by purpose. We can be different and yet unite ourselves under a purpose, a cause, something, or someone. Someone like... a King.

Unity (WS)

November 8, 2020 • Kyle Wetzler • Ephesians 4:1–16

We have never been more divided. Our daily experience is to separate into us vs them. We like the people who think and act the same way we do; and we hate those who are different. Is there any hope for humanity? Why can’t we all be the same so we would just get along? But unity is not measured in sameness. Unity is measured by purpose. We can be different and yet unite ourselves under a purpose, a cause, something, or someone. Someone like... a King.

Unity (HP)

November 8, 2020 • Kenan Stolz • Ephesians 4:1–16

We have never been more divided. Our daily experience is to separate into us vs them. We like the people who think and act the same way we do; and we hate those who are different. Is there any hope for humanity? Why can’t we all be the same so we would just get along? But unity is not measured in sameness. Unity is measured by purpose. We can be different and yet unite ourselves under a purpose, a cause, something, or someone. Someone like... a King.

Rooted & Grounded (BG)

November 1, 2020 • Jon Siebert

No one wants to be seen as weak. We posture ourselves, pad our resumes, and share only the filtered Instagram worthy highlights of our lives. But what do you do when you’re faced with a problem you cannot solve? Admitting weakness is hard; it takes desperation. When we see our weakness as what it truly is—the need for God’s rescue, God, in the riches of his love and mercy, moves toward us and draws us to Him. Join us Sunday at 9 or 11 AM as we learn together about developing spiritual strength.

Mystery Revealed (BG)

October 25, 2020 • Jon Siebert • Ephesians 3:1–13

We often define our purpose according to our position and possessions. Each one of us longs to matter and we prescribe worth to ourselves based on what others say is important. The Bible shows us a better way. Our purpose and our worth aren’t based on position or possessions, but on what has been done for us, by Christ. It is the power of Christ that transforms ordinary into extraordinary, that makes weakness strength, that makes the impossible and unlikely possible done!

Joined Together (BG)

October 18, 2020 • Jon Siebert

Division is our default. Sin separates, making our differences liabilities. Christ’s atoning death reconciles our differences; what once brought division miraculously comes together. Those who were strangers on the outside are invited in and made family. In Christ, we are made new, we are made one. Join us Sunday at 9 and 11 as we celebrate the unity we have through Christ.