
Led By The Spirit (BG)

Battle Ground Campus

January 3, 2021 • Rob Williams

Christianity is often viewed as a devotion to staunch and strict rules that oppose cultural definitions of freedom and living. Our society is progressively opting for individual expressions of freedom and living for a universal definition. Those who believe a single document, authority, or religion contain the blueprint for the ideal life have become the minority. "You do you, beau" has become the mantra of the past decade. The shift towards individualism is destroying our society. This shift is due to sin and selfish desires to please the flesh. Jesus came to conquer sin and death, offering life to those who believe in Him. Believers adopted into the family of God become co-heirs with Jesus and experience life as God intended.

It is time to impact our neighborhoods by living out the Gospel in our lives. The Gospel, clearly communicated, shares the freedom and life found through the loving work that God has done through Jesus Christ. Sharing the Gospel requires all Christians to set their mind on the Spirit and reject the flesh's desires. A mindset on the Spirit is not just a one-time action; this refinement is a lifelong process. The testing and trials are harsh at times, but Christians can take heart in the truth found in Romans 8:11, "He who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you." As the Spirit, who dwells within believers, seeks to refine church members, neighborhoods will be impacted by men and women who demonstrate the true freedom and living that honors and glorifies God. A life led by the Spirit is one forged in the fire.

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