
The Glory of God (WS)

Westside Campus

December 19, 2021 • Dave Williams • Exodus 33:18–23

What is one of the biggest requests you have ever made of God? Provision in a season
of scarcity? Healing in a time of sickness? Deliverance from a difficult, trying time? It
can be quite revealing to see what is truly important to someone based on what types
of prayers they make to God. After all that has transpired with Moses and the people
of God, we find Moses alone with God in the tent of meeting and making a big ask of
God: to see His glory. Out of all the experiences Moses had and all the things he had
been through, the thing that he wanted the most was to see God for who He really
is. Moses wanted to see the radiance, splendor, and beauty of God. At this point in
Moses’ life, he had plenty of prior experiences with God, but it wasn't enough. What he
had tasted before left him hungry for more. While God doesn't fully give Moses what
he asks for, He discloses Himself in such a way that sticks with Moses, and what He
says becomes one of the most quoted passages in all of Scripture.

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