
A Promise Reminded & A Presence Confirmed (WS)

Westside Campus

November 21, 2021 • Dave Williams • Exodus 23:20—24:14

Like all stories, it’s important to understand the proper context to get a correct
picture of what is being communicated. Without proper context, what God instructs
to happen in the land of Canaan in this section of Exodus can seem extremely harsh,
violent, and downright unfair. However, if we look back in redemptive history, the land
of Canaan was promised to God's people all the way back in Genesis 12. It was in that
passage that God told Abraham all his descendants would inherit the promised land—
the land of Canaan. They would be His people; He would be their God. At this point in
the history of God's people, it may appear as if God has failed to deliver. But God has
not forgotten His promise, He reaffirms what He is going to do. Within this, God instills
in His people that who and how we worship matter.

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