
A People For God's Ministry (BG)

Battle Ground Campus

December 5, 2021 • Jon Siebert • Exodus 28—31

It is frequently said that the church isn't the building, but the people. It is the people
that love God, worship God, and serve one another. You can have a building, but
without the people, it's just a structure. This concept rings true today, as well as in
the community that God was forming in the wilderness. Last week, we examined the
construction and the contents of the tabernacle, this week we turn our attention to
those who worked in the tabernacle: the priests. Just as there was great attention to
detail given for the elements, contents, and construction of the tabernacle, the same
care was given with the priests. The selection, consecration, and garments of the
priests were all details that had been carefully crafted and directed by God. Similar to
the tabernacle, the role of the priests was to point us to something greater that would
be further revealed in redemption history: Jesus Christ, our great high priest.

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