
Encounter at the Holy Mountain (BG)

Battle Ground Campus

November 14, 2021 • Jon Siebert • Exodus 19:1—20:21

We have reached a key point in the Exodus story. The first eighteen chapters tell us
how God worked to rescue and redeem His people from slavery, delivered them
through the sea, and led them through the wilderness to His holy mountain. God has
remained true to His promise made back in Exodus 3:12 (“I will be with you, and this
shall be the sign for you, that I have sent you: when you have brought the people out of
Egypt, you shall serve God on this mountain.” - ESV) Through all that we have studied,
it is clear God has been with His people. God brings Israel and communicates to them
what it means to dwell within His presence. His holiness and glory are put on display
for everyone to see. Often when we approach this part of the Exodus story, we quickly
want to run to the "rules" that are set out. However, when we do that, we miss out
on seeing the beauty, power, and majesty of our God and the relationship He invites
us into with Him. These words God gives Israel are not simply rules to obey, but they
reflect God's character.

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