
A Place for God's Presence (HP)

Heritage Park Campus

November 28, 2021 • Kyle Wetzler • Exodus 25—27

People subscribe to magazines such as Architectural Digest, spend countless hours
watching HGTV shows, and visit historic cities on vacations to tour classic buildings all
due to a fascination of beautiful buildings. We have reached the third part of the book
of Exodus. Chapters 1-18 spoke of God's salvific work that freed Israel from Egypt and
the giving of God's law. Chapters 19-24 addressed establishing God's covenant. We've
now reached the third and final section concerning the tabernacle. This was the place
where God would dwell with His people. What was remarkable about the tabernacle
was that it wasn't something that Moses put together a building committee to do, nor
did Moses outsource its design to the latest architectural firm. God is the one whom
initiated its building, provided the building plans, and even provided the materials
necessary for its construction. All of this was because the tabernacle, the way it was
built, and all its contents were a foreshadow of what God would do in Christ.

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