
The Struggle of a Gospel Centered Life: The Flesh (BG)

Battle Ground Campus

April 10, 2022 • Brad Fenison • Galatians 5:16–26

Martin Luther, the German pastor and theologian, once described the Christian situation on earth as
“simul justus et peccator” meaning “simultaneously justified and sinful.” Luther was attempting to
put into the words the inner tension and turmoil we all face; when our hearts and minds are drawn
to two opposing and competing passions.
We know that when we choose to follow Jesus we become “a new creation” in Christ. Yet we also
know that freedom from sin doesn’t usually come overnight. When we choose to follow Jesus, the
Holy Spirit comes to reside in us and begins the slow messy work of redeeming us, eradicating sin
little by little.
In this week’s passage Paul refers to this sin, and its constant pull back to old ways, as “flesh.” It is because of this flesh we constantly find
ourselves doing the opposite of what we want to do. This can be so frustrating! Yet there is hope. The promise found in Galatians 5 is that for
those of us who are in Christ, the Spirit will do in us a work that brings forth a new way or “fruit” that pleases God. In place of old ways which
seek to please the flesh, we are invited to draw near to God and His grace and from it find a new life.