
Critical Race Theory is Biblical: Debunked!

April 28, 2024 • Frank Figueroa

In today’s culture, we are bombarded with many ideas on how to make reparations for the sins of the past. This is probably no more pronounced than in the idea of the equity movement, when it comes to the horrific acts of slavery that we’ve had in our country and viewing everything through the lens of race. Critical race theory, however, is a false idea based on false premises and believes that that reverse racism, is the answer to our societal problems. However, this cannot be the case, because according to the second half of Ephesians chapter 2, Jesus and His efficacious blood have made all men equal. So to claim that something else is the answer is to dismiss Paul’s claim that Jesus, and Jesus Alone, has broken down the middle wall of separation between all nations. Let’s examine this together and see what Scripture has to say on this important topic.