
Following Jesus When the World is Falling Apart

Matthew 24:1-35

March 14, 2021 • Ben Sansburn

It's easy in a chaotic world to read the latest headlines, watch the 24-hr news cycle, and see the endless crises around us and become either indifferent to them or obsessed with them. But what is Jesus calling us to when it feels like the world is falling apart? Matthew 24 is about more than a timeline of world events, it's about how follow Jesus faithfully through whatever comes. Join us as Pastor Ben unpacks this difficult and often debated passage and gets to the heart of Jesus' message through it.

The Mission

May 30, 2021 • Ben Sansburn

We wrap up our series in the Gospel of Matthew this morning looking at Jesus' final words to his disciples. Jesus invites them, and us, into a mission beyond ourselves that will take more than we have in us. But framing this invitation Jesus promises what we need - his power and presence along the way. Join us as we look at Matthew's final scene.

The Transforming Truth of the Resurrection

May 23, 2021 • Ben Sansburn

The resurrection of Jesus is the central reality of the universe. It’s the hinge to all of history. It is the climax of God’s story, it’s the crescendo of creation. And if we believe it's true, the resurrection changes everything.

Beholding the Beauty of the Cross

May 16, 2021 • Ryan Beardsley

For many, the crucifixion of Jesus is confusing and even disturbing. There is little about it that seems attractive. Yet, if we have eyes to see the upside-down realities of the cross - an innocent man treated like a criminal, the Son of God dying a painful death, victory coming through death - we will behold the life-changing beauty that's there.