
Taking In God's Word (Part 1)

Lesson 24

January 4, 2023 • Pastor Chad • Matthew 4:4

The Christian life isn’t just about knowing a certain set of doctrines. It is more than knowing. It is believing. But it is more than believing. The Christian life is also about doing. It is doing what we believe. But to truly do what we believe is going to require some discipline, disciplines, habits, spiritual activities to be engaged in. If we never engage in spiritual activity, then we’re just spinning our wheels, going through the motions, but having no substance to our form. 

This lesson focuses on the broadest and most basic, foundational, and important of all the disciplines - bible intake. Jesus said, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God." Where do we get these words that come from God's mouth? His Word. We must be committed to taking the bible into our hearts and minds. When we do, God does something in us that we cannot do on our own; He transforms us.

Persevering In Discipleship

May 3, 2023 • Pastor Chad Thompson • 2 Peter 1:5–7

The link between discipline and godliness is perseverance; between being a believer and a consistent follower is perseverance. If we cannot persevere, then we will not see much godliness in our lives. It is perseverance over the long haul, even if slow, rather than a short lived burst of activity in one or more of the disciplines that brings godliness and a consistent following of Jesus.

Following Jesus

April 26, 2023 • Pastor Chad Thompson • Luke 9:23–25

If we're going to be a disciple (follower) of Jesus, we must daily deny ourselves and take up our cross (i.e. being hated by the world, being surrendered to God, and being "spent", i.e. a living sacrifice). Following is not a haphazard, sporadic, every now and then choice. It is a regular, consistent, frequent, daily choice. It is a choice a disciple makes faithfully. It is a discipline.

The Discipline To Learn

April 19, 2023 • Pastor Chad Thompson • Luke 2:46–47

What we see in the Great Commission is the mandate to make disciples (i.e. see people saved, baptized, and brought into the church where they can be taught to observe all things - beliefs, practices, ministries, etc.). If we have a mandate to teach, then the flip side must also be true. We have a mandate to learn. A disciple is a learner. And to learn we must have some discipline.  In Lk 2:46-47 Jesus was learning. He was doing it the old fashioned way, i.e. asking questions, reading the law, discussing, etc. If Jesus was determined to learn, then let's follow His example. Jesus didn't sit in a school of religious law, but He certainly leaned the Word of God. (John 7:15)