
The Gospel's Passover Lamb

March 12, 2023 • Pastor Chad Thompson • John 1:29, 1 Corinthians 5:7

Bottom line: Jesus is our Passover Lamb, the Lion who willingly laid His life down so that we might be redeemed from sin. 

Just like how God’s judgment passed over every house of the Jews that had the blood of the lamb applied to the door posts and lintel, when we have the blood of Jesus applied to our hearts, the judgment of God passes over us. Jesus Christ is our Passover lamb. We apply his blood to the door posts and lintel of our hearts by putting our faith in Him. Every Jew in Egypt had to put the blood of the lamb on the door posts and lintel. If they did not do this as an act of faith, the first born in their home would have died in Egypt. If we don’t apply the blood of Jesus to our hearts we will die in our sin.

The Passover remembers Israel’s redemption from Egyptian bondage, but it points to a greater redemption – the redemption of sinners from sin. And it is fulfilled by Jesus who is our true Passover Lamb. He is the One whom John said is the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world.

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