
The Real Gospel

Lesson 1

February 10, 2021 • Pastor Chad Thompson

If you change the gospel's message, you by default change who Jesus is. The gospel is simple faith in Jesus' work of the cross to save us from sin. It is a message of grace. If you add to or take away from the gospel, then you adding to or taking away from the cross-work of Jesus and you declare Jesus to be insufficient. Jesus is sufficient to be our Lord, our life, and our leader. He is supreme. And when you know that and believe that, you will not be easily moved by false teaching.

More from Colossians

The Riches Of Friendship

June 16, 2021 • Pastor Chad Thompson

As Paul wraps up his letter to the Colossians, he takes time to mention and appreciate several friends in the ministry that have partnered with him and ministered to him during his imprisonment. A friend provides three things vital for a quality life. Friends provide companionship, without which we’d be lonely and isolated. They provide comfort – a pat on the back, a shoulder to cry on, and kind words of consolation when we need them. And they provide the accountability and perspective we need to keep us on the straight path.

The Divine Design For Communication

May 26, 2021 • Pastor Chad Thompson

In the text, Paul addresses both dimensions of our speech, the vertical and horizontal planes. Our vertical speech is directed to God. Our horizontal speech is directed to other people. And Paul points out that one of the reasons what we say on the horizontal plane is so important is because we say it to those who are lost and don’t have a vertical relationship with God. Our horizontal speech can have an impact on someone else coming into a vertical relationship with God.

The Divine Design For The Workplace

May 19, 2021 • Pastor Chad Thompson

Although this passage refers to servants, or slaves, and masters, or slave owners, the principles taught here certainly apply to the employee/employer relationship. In this lesson we will look at the both the original context of this passage and how it applies in our modern day work life. What Paul has to say speaks directly to the dignity of work, our work ethic, and how we treat workers with fairness.