
The Beast

October 6, 2019

October 6, 2019 • Pastor Chad Thompson

Bottom line: Satan's best in the flesh is a Beast. God's Son in the flesh is a Savior.

Revelation 13 gives us insight into two members of the unholy trinity, the Antichrist and the False Prophet. In Revelation 13 we see the rise of the Beast to power, the wonder of the world in following him, and the warning to make a decision now with regards to choosing Christ or the spirit of antichrist.

Final Words

December 13, 2020 • Pastor Chad Thompson

Bottom line: Jesus' final words are His promise to fulfill our most hope-filled prayer. His final words - Surely, I come quickly. Our hope-filled prayer is that of John - Even so, come Lord Jesus. Revelation 22:6-21 gives us a series of last sayings: the final words of Jesus in Revelation, the final invitations in Revelation, and the final warning in Revelation.

Home Sweet Home

December 6, 2020 • Pastor Chad Thompson

Bottom line: Every believer will be a victor who lives in home sweet home. Our new home will be in the New Jerusalem. It will be home sweet home in the new heaven and new earth. It will come with new experiences that we will enjoy to the full like no sorrow, our purpose fulfilled, an ultimate intimacy with God, and the purity and security of New Jerusalem - home sweet home.

Hope For Something New

November 15, 2020 • Pastor Chad Thompson

Bottom line: How we experience life in the present is determined by our hope for the future based on our faith in Jesus’ death and resurrection. We are hope shaped creatures. What we hope for in the future makes all the difference in the NOW! Our NOW experience is controlled by our belief about the future. Our hope is that one day we will live with God in a new heaven and new earth. Knowing this is our future we can make it through any trouble and adversity in our present.