
The Choice of Christmas

December 24, 2023 • Pastor Chad Thompson • Matthew 2:1–18

Bottom line: The Christmas choice is the choice of who will or will not be king.

The choice of Christmas is illustrated in the choices made by the wise men, Herod, and the professional religious class. The wise men sought the king, sacrificed to the king, and submitted to the king. Herod saw Christ as an intruder into his own kingdom and totally rejected Christ as King. The professional religious class were actually ambivalent to the news of the birth of the King. If anyone should have been anticipating the birth of the King or attentive the news, it should have been the religious rulers, yet they were completely ambivalent.

We too have a choice regarding the birth of the King: accept His invitation to salvation; accept His invitation to coronation, i.e. choose Jesus as Savior and King. Let's be like the wise men: seek Him, sacrifice to Him, and submit to Him.