
Gideon's Fleece And Faith

September 10, 2023 • Pastor Chad Thompson • Judges 6:33—7:7

Bottom line: Our willingness to do the will of God is key to God assuring us of His will and confirming our faith to accomplish His will.

Gideon is a man who needs assurance that he is doing God's will and reassuring that God will do what God has said He will do. Gideon puts God to the test with his "putting out the fleece." And graciously, God condescends to Gideon and does as Gideon requests. God gives Gideon the assurance he asks for. While Gideon wobbles in his faith, he does have one thing going for him - he is willing. After Gideon has put God to the test, God puts Gideon to the test. He tests Gideon's faith and then confirms that Gideon is the man for the job that God has called him to, i.e. to save Israel from the hand of Midian.

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