
I Resemble Jonah - Part 2

July 12, 2023 • Curtis Epnett • Jonah 1:1–10

We have a tendency to go our own way and do our own thing in disobedience to God. And amazingly, it's possible to be at peace with ourselves while in disobedience to God. However, it is a false peace that is produced by our lack of concern for God's will and way. This is what happened to Jonah. He ran away from God in disobedience and yet found himself sleeping peacefully on ship in the midst of a storm. He had a false peace and calmness produced by his lack of concern for God's will and lack of compassion for those who needed to hear God's Word.

How often do we resemble Jonah? How often do have a false sense of peace and calmness because of our own lack of concern God's will and compassion for those who need to hear the gospel?