
Saturday Morning


July 17, 2021

Peter’s response to the transfiguration is classic: “Hey, let’s stay up here! I’ll build some tents, and we can hang with Elijah and Moses and Jesus. That would be awesome.” Many people feel the same way after trips and retreats. We encounter God in new ways and want to preserve this spiritual momentum. But the disciples don’t stay on the mountain. In the next passage, they are back in town, and Jesus is healing once again. Like Peter, you will be returning to everyday life. But that doesn’t mean that your experience “on the mountain” doesn’t matter. Our mountaintop experiences bring us closer to God, and that changes our lives and our hearts. We learn how to better love our neighbors, and we deepen our commitment to loving and serving God.

How have you encountered God this week?

What is one area in which God is working on your heart right now?

How might God’s work in this area begin to change your perspective or behavior?