
Ask Three Questions When Reading the Bible

Alan Shlemon

Always ask three questions when reading any biblical text.

In order to be transformed by God's Word, we can't misinterpret what it means. That's why there are three key principles to biblical interpretation:

1. Context
2. History
3. Genre

First, ask about context. What is the author talking about in the surrounding text? Read as much as you can of the text before and after the passage you're studying.

Second, ask about history. Are there any historical details or events that add to your understanding of the subject being discussed in the text?

Third, ask what the genre (or the type of literature) is of the passage that you're reading. Each genre in the Bible has its own principles of interpretation. Find a resource that explains how to interpret each genre, and keep it handy when you're studying the Bible.

By properly interpreting God's Word, you'll allow the Holy Spirit, who inspired its words, to transform you from the inside out.