
Practical Advice

Brett Kunkle

Let me give you a few last bits of advice as you engage your Mormon friends and family.


It takes time to reach our Mormon friends. They are so enculturated. Often, their families are Mormons. Their friends are Mormons. Maybe they’ve gone on a mission and invested two years of their life on a Mormon mission. They’re so inculturated into Mormonism that it takes time to extract themselves. It may take six or seven years for them to eventually walk away when they begin questioning it. So you and I need to be patient.

We need to realize that our goal in each conversation is to simply put a stone in their shoe. Plant a seed. Give them something to think about with the ultimate goal being that they come to Christ. That doesn’t have to be the goal of every conversation because then you’re going to find yourself very frustrated. Just give them something to think about. Challenge them every once in awhile. Even if they don’t show on the outside that they’re moving your way, that’s okay. You don’t know what’s going on on the inside.

Just be faithful and patient and realize that it takes time. The Mormon is made in the image of God. They are valuable, intrinsically. They have value and dignity even if they never come to Christ. We need to treat them with value and dignity and be patient with them as we walk with them. Number one, be patient.


Go to mrm.org, and there you will find a wealth of resources. Videos, articles on any kind of issue or objection that your Mormon friends are going to talk about. My friend Bill McKeever is an expert on Mormonism. He’s put together the website, it’s a great tool. You’re going to have to do some study in this process.


Set up a time to go to lunch with your Mormon friend or family member. If you have a neighbor who’s a Mormon, go over and visit them. Set something up. If you don’t have Mormon friends, go to Mormon.org and sign up to have some Mormon missionaries visit you. I guarantee you that when you set something up like this and you’re intentional, that’s going to create some pressure on you to do your homework and get prepared. That challenge is going to help you grow, so be intentional.


Make sure your motivation is love, and then communicate that to them. Communicate that you don’t want to simply debate. You don’t want to just argue. You want to have these important conversations because you love them, you care about them, and you care about where they spend eternity. Just like they want to have these conversations with you, hopefully, because they care about you and your eternal life. So you want to communicate to them that you’re sharing the truth, and you’re doing so in love.

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