
Put It into Action

Greg Koukl

- Keep in mind that virtually all charges of intolerance are no more than simple name-calling rather than actually engaging your view to show why it’s wrong.

- When someone calls you intolerant, always ask for a definition. Ask him what he means when he says you’re intolerant (or arrogant).

- If he claims you’re intolerant because you think you’re right and everyone else is wrong, ask if he thinks his own views are right.

- The fact is, everyone thinks his own views are correct - that’s why we believe what we believe (no one knowingly believes falsehoods). If he says his views are true for him, ask why he’s talking to you. Point out that it sure looks like he’s trying to push his correct, “tolerant” view on you.

- Finally say, “I’m confused. Why is it when I think I’m right, I’m intolerant or arrogant, but when you think you’re right, you’re just right? What am I missing here?” Be sure to wait for an answer.

- If tolerance means that all views are equally valid, then the Christian’s “narrow” views turn out to be just as valid as any other. Attacking Christians for their views, then, is intolerant.