
Faith and Salvation

Brett Kunkle


Mormonism: faith and good works lead to eternal life.
Christianity: faith leads to eternal life and good works.


At this point in the discussion, it’s time to open your Bible and share the good news of grace with your Mormon friends. Let them see the stark contrast of the biblical Gospel:

"Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost; Which he shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Savior; That being justified by his grace, we should be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life." (Titus 3:5-7)

Read aloud from the great passages on grace, like Romans 4:1-8, Ephesians 2:8-9, and Hebrews 10:10-14. Let the Gospel of grace pour from the pages of Scripture, washing over their hearts and minds.

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