

2 Corinthians 5:20 says we are ambassadors for Christ as though God were speaking through us. If you are visible as a follower of Christ, you are an ambassador. People are drawing conclusions about your Sovereign from your actions and your words.

What kind of message are we communicating with our lives? This includes all areas of life: how we treat our families as well as strangers on the freeway.

What are the qualities of a good ambassador? If I was a sovereign of some sort, (i.e. the president) and I was choosing someone to represent me as his ambassador, what qualities would I look for in that person?

The first component of a good ambassador is knowledge. If you’re going to a foreign culture with a foreign language, you might need to know something about the culture and language in order to contextualize your message in a way that they’ll understand. You have to at least be conversant in the necessary message you are trying to communicate that the sovereign has entrusted.

The second requirement is to maneuver effectively in conversations. There is a way of maneuvering tactically with wisdom that allows you to be effective in conversations. Wisdom is the second component.

If your candidate for ambassador has the requisite knowledge and has the ability to maneuver effectively in conversations yet is a womanizer, a cheat, or just plain rude, you can see now how character is going to undermine the entire message. The third component of a good ambassador is character.

Our goal at Stand to Reason is not just to dispense information, but also to build ambassadors for Christ. Knowledge is an accurately informed mind, wisdom is an artful method, and character is an attractive manner.