
Challenge #3: Same as Interracial Marriage?

"They said the same thing about interracial marriage."

It is simply not relevant that the same objection has been used to deny both interracial and same-sex marriage. It is only relevant if the circumstances are the same, which they are not.

There is no difference between a black and a white human being because skin color is morally trivial. There is an enormous difference, however, between a man and a woman.

Race has no bearing on marriage, but sex is fundamental to marriage.

Just because there’s a distinction does not mean there’s an unfair discrimination. This complaint is not adequate to justify polygamous or incestuous unions. It is equally irrelevant here, and it is misleading.

Same-sex marriage is not an attempt to include those wrongly disenfranchised from an existing institution, but to abolish that institution and substitute a radically different one under the same name.