
Challenge #10: How Will it Hurt Me?

In the final analysis, same-sex marriage is an aggressive act of social engineering repudiating, by legal fiat, the natural and singular role heterosexual unions perform in civilization. By equating same-sex unions with heterosexual unions, it changes culture at its core. Three things rapidly follow.

First, homosexuality will officially and legally be declared normal, even if most cultures disagree. Second, anyone continuing to make the gender distinctions dictated by nature will run afoul of a law dictated by men. third, the definition of marriage will continue to expand as the state continues to tinker.

Those opposing homosexuality will be legally vulnerable. Adoption legislation, rights of association, religious practices, freedom of speech, issues of conscience all will suffer harm. Marriage, family, and parenthood will continue to be redefined. Polygamy, polyandry, polyamory, and other creative variations will be justified by the same legal logic. These things are already beginning to happen in this country and around the world. And what's to stop them? Why would anyone think we can take an axe to the roots of civilization and not suffer consequences?