
Apologetics Is Essential

Brett Kunkle

The word “defense” comes from the Greek word apologia. When you learn apologetics, you’ll have the tools you need to make a defense of your Christian convictions.

Apologetics is ESSENTIAL to discipleship. Knowledge about God is essential to knowing God.

Here are testimonies from college students about how apologetics is essential for their walk with Christ (from the Center for Parent & Youth Understanding – www.cpyu.org):

Alysia at the University of Illinois said:

“My youth group was fairly useless in preparing me for college. A short course in different religions helped me, but what helped me more was attending Worldview Academy for two summers. The challenging of my faith and teaching me the apologetics, leadership, and evangelism helped the most – especially by helping me determine why I personally believed in Christianity and by giving me the tools to help share that with others...My youth group was a place where the leaders were trying everything from games to parties to entice people to come, but they wouldn't dive deep into any theological or social topic. We were treated as intellectual babies and thus never grew to understand the importance or the relevance of the Christian faith.”

Daniel at Erskine College said:

“I wish my youth group had done more to prepare me for the academic challenges to Christianity instead of focusing on high school drama. I was fortunate to make great and knowledgeable friends, but I have known others who have turned away because of professors and students raising tough objections. I wish my youth group had taken things more seriously and done more apologetics and less of worrying about the drama of high school.”

Gabrielle at Chatham University said:

"I was in several youth groups in high school and unfortunately found that youth group was too ‘soft’—we played a lot of games and had a lot of fun retreats, but rarely learned about the fundamentals of faith, why we believe what we believe, and what it is that we do believe. Now that I am in college, my faith is under constant scrutiny and always being tested by scientific concepts and the secular slant of most universities. I wish I had been equipped with a more solid justification for my faith: knowing how to answer the tough questions, how to respond to arguments, and how to stand firm in what feels like a storm against my spirituality."