
Six Articles of Faith

Alan Shlemon

There are also required beliefs, the Six Articles of Faith:

1. Belief in the unity of God

- This is a foundational doctrine in Islam found in Surah 112, and it rejects the Trinitarian notion of God that the Bible teaches.
- Do Christians and Muslims worship the same God? Muslims and Christians believe in the same “what” (a god who creates, judges, administers His kingdom, etc.), but believe a different “who” (person) occupies the office of God. Muslims believe that person is Allah and Christians believe it is Yahweh.

2. Belief in God’s angels

- Angels don’t have free will and don’t sin. They administrate God’s kingdom. Each person is assigned two angels who track all your good and bad deeds.
- There is also another group of angelic-like beings called jinn. They are similar to what Christians call demons, but they are not fallen angels. They were created by Allah, have free will, and do evil things. Satan is a jinn.

3. Belief in God’s prophets

In fact, belief in Jesus – as a prophet – is a required belief.

Many Christians don’t realize that the Qur’an speaks often and highly of Jesus when compared to Mohammed (higher than many Muslims even realize):
- His birth was announced by angels.
- He was born of a virgin.
- He performed miracles - healed the sick and raised the dead.
- He led a sinless and perfect life.
- He’s called the “Messiah.”
- He was taken up by Allah.
- He will return in the end times.

Contrast that with what the Qur’an says about Mohammed:
- No announcement by angels
- A normal birth
- Performed no miracles
- Not sinless
- Not called the “Messiah”
- Died a natural death
- Is not the appointed one to return

4. Belief in God’s books

The divine books of Islam:
- Qur’an: Given to Mohammed
- Torah: Given to Moses
- Psalms: Given to David
- Gospel: Given to Jesus

We’ll talk more about these in the next segment.

5. Belief in the final judgment

At the end of this age, all people will be resurrected and judged according to their deeds. This is a meritorious-based system of salvation. If your good deeds outweigh your bad deeds, you go to heaven. Otherwise it’s hell.

Muslims don’t have the assurance of salvation that Christians have in Christ. One of the easiest ways to present the Gospel is to ask them about this. It’s important that you offer them that chance of assurance of salvation through Jesus.

6. Belief in divine destiny (predestination)

Everything that occurs is by divine decree of Allah. Nothing happens without Allah’s knowledge and permission. Allah wrote down everything that will happen in the Preserved Tablet. Allah knows what his creatures will do, but they have free will. What happens and doesn’t happen is only according to his will. He does not force things to happen regarding human voluntary action. He just knows what they will choose and lets it happen.

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