What does the smoke from the brazen altar have to do with the smoke rising from hell? Jesus became sin for us, so we wouldn't have to suffer the fires of hell. Join John as we commit our spirit to the saving truth offered through Jesus' forgiveness.
The Brazen Altar
February 2, 2021 • John E. Thomas
January 26, 2021 • John E. Thomas
What could the numbers one, three, and seven represent? And what do they have to do with the pieces of furniture in the tabernacle and how do they appear in the rest of scripture? Let’s explore these patterns and stand in awe of how God connects all things together.
The Three Rooms and the Three Dark Nights
John E. Thomas
Now that we know the light of the world is with us, we can overcome the darkness. In this episode, John talks about the gift of the dark night of the flesh, soul, and spirit are and how it’s designed to draw us into maturity, intimacy, and surrender to the love of God.