
July 22nd Blog

Pastor Steve’s Blog July 22 As I reflected back on our worship service last week, I am still moved by Kris Kristofferson’s testimony about how he raised his hand and then went forward to accept Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Savior during a church service while experiencing the joy and forgiveness that can only come from God. That happened to Kris because someone invited him to church. Let us follow that example and try not to miss opportunities to invite people we know who do not have a church home or do not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ to join us in church for a worship service or church event. The Bible reminds us that we have not, because we ask not. So let us not be weary in our asking and sharing the love of God. Remember, with God all things are possible. The other aspect that was a little unusual for a United Methodist Church was our altar call during what I termed, “Throw-Back Sunday.” We had an old-fashioned altar call with the singing of “Just As I Am.” We had no one accept Christ for the first time in their life, however, the invitation was extended. After that initial call to the altar, my heart was gladdened to see a number of people make their way to the altar to deepen their relationship with Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit touched the hearts of many as Ryan, our worship leader, lead us in singing, “Come to the Altar.” I also want to take this opportunity to thank the Staff-Parish Committee (Joyce Bruffey, chairperson, Patty Rampey, Jon Saul, Jackie Baucom, our Lay Leader and Kim Straughn, our Lay Delegate to Annual Conference) for their faithful and diligent work on filling our vacant staff positions. I also want to thank our Office Manager, Jennifer Chester, for her professionalism, expertise and Christian grace during the transition of pastors as well as providing solid administrative support to the Staff-Parish Committee during their staff search. By the way, she provides great admin support to every committee and person in the church. Thanks Jennifer!