
April 14, 2019

Pastor Steve’s Blog April 14, 2019 Palm Sunday As you know, I’m always looking for interesting stories that help illustrate pertinent and instructive points and ideas that can assist us in our faith journey. I found a story that gives us food for thought, so I thought I would share it with you for Palm Sunday. Claire McGarry who wrote a Devotional titled “With Our Savior: Family Devotions for Lent,” shared this story in regard to Palm Sunday. “In Antigua, Guatemala, the people line the cobblestone streets with sawdust during Holy Week. They don’t just dump the sawdust in piles and spread it out. They dye it all different colors and painstakingly place it in the most intricate patterns. They invest so much energy and love in the process, it takes them from sunset on Holy Thursday to sunrise on Good Friday to finish. When they’re done, it’s the most stunning site! Every street looks like it’s lined with the most exotic oriental carpets, from one end to the other. It’s their way of reenacting Palm Sunday. Like the people in Jesus’ time lined the road with cloaks and palms for his entrance into Jerusalem, the Guatemalans create a pathway worthy of a king. It makes what comes next all the more shocking. In an instant, the Good Friday Posadas (Processions) tromp through the sawdust carpets, destroying all the hard work and beauty in their wake. This part reenacts how, in an instant, the people went from hailing Jesus a king, to abandoning him and demanding he be crucified.” My how quickly things in life can change depending on circumstances. One day the crowd is with Jesus, the next day they are not. One day our faith in Jesus is at an all-time high, the next day, it is at an all-time low. God calls us to be steady and constant in our faith and witness to Christ. God calls us to not be like a boat that is blown here and there in the wind. This Holy Week, let our faith in Christ be firm and unshakable.