
05/22/22 Praise Service

Sermon: “The City of the Lamb” Revelation 21:9–14, 21–27

May 22, 2022

The disciples thought they knew what Jesus was saying, but it was before Easter, and they could not understand. They would, “in that day,” that is, after Jesus’ victory and the Spirit’s gift of faith. Now we with them know that He has overcome the world, all opposition, and even death itself. John’s vision in Revelation depicts a perfect Jerusalem, clear and beautiful, with the Lamb as its lamp. Anticipating such nearness of God, in this our day we can pray, asking for whatever we need, confident of our Father’s hearing. In the Reading from Acts, Paul has to tell everyone about his Easter joy, and the Lord opens Lydia’s heart. She is baptized and opens her home for Paul and Luke to use to tell others. With the clarity of our Spirit-given Easter joy, we know, pray, and tell!