
05/08/22 Praise Service/Good Shepherd Sunday

Sermon: The Lord Is My Shepherd

May 8, 2022

Many people in the world are deaf to God’s presence and certainly to His Word. Some people refused to believe when they physically met Jesus, as in today’s Gospel. Paul had to warn church leaders that opposition might even come from within, from wolves in sheep’s clothing. But by the grace of God in Scripture, we hear our Good Shepherd speaking to us about His grace and mercy. John’s vision of the Lamb’s eternal victory lets us hear the eternal praises of saints and angels in heaven. Today is an opportunity to tell one another in word and song about our faith, asking our brothers and sisters if they also are hearing all the good news about our Shepherd. We leave to ask our friends and neighbors the same question. What joy when they may say with us, “The Lord is my shepherd too!”