
Live Out 2: Work & Vocation

25 Oct 2020 - 6.30pm | Sam Bloore

October 25, 2020 • Sam Bloore

Our “Living Out” theme continues as Sam Bloore explores some questions around Work and Vocation. How do we serve God with what’s in our hands, from where we are? How do we know where to focus our time, skills and energy? And how do we discern our calling not as a navel-gazing exercise but in order to go out and serve in the world?

Live Out 6: A Life of Authentic Worship

December 20, 2020 • Emma West

In the conclusion of the 18.30 vision series Emma asks the question ‘What does God want from us?’ as she unpacks Romans 12:1-2 and Paul’s urge to offer ourselves as living sacrifices in response to God’s grace.

Live Out 5: Crumbs are Enough

November 22, 2020 • Graham Black

At our evening service Graham continues our series on 'Living Out' by exploring the Gospel of Mark. He challenges us that often the disciples are the ones who do not get what Jesus is doing, and it is actually the most unlikely people who have eyes to see what Jesus is announcing and embodying.

Live Out 4: Jesus's Ministry

November 8, 2020 • Jonny Grant

Jonny continues our “Living Out” series by exploring the possibilities as we step into the ministry Jesus himself announced when he unfurled Isaiah’s scroll in Luke 4.