

January 27, 2018 • Elise Harboldt

Sometimes it’s scary to let go. But you can only live fully alive if you’re willing to detox your life. For best results, you must think of detox as an act of generosity toward yourself. God, the most generous being in the universe, wants to lead you through a gentle detoxification process. His goal is to empower you to let go of the things that do not bring you joy. The best part? He never takes anything away without providing something better.

More from Fully Alive


February 24, 2018 • Joseph Washburn

We are engineered to move. God gave us a direction to move in, gave us a reason why and told us how. All of us, regardless of our circumstances, have the ability and freedom to move towards others and add value to their lives. God is less concerned with our usefulness than He is with our value and is asking us to share this idea with others by moving in close.


February 17, 2018 • Elise Harboldt

The universe is wired to give. So are you. Scripture says there is “more happiness in giving than in receiving.” Generous people experience better health, increased confidence, less stress, a stronger sense of purpose, enhanced relationships, etc. God, the most generous being in the universe, invites you to join in His mission of extravagant generosity. Why? He knows it will help you (and others) become more fully alive.


February 10, 2018 • Ty Gibson

The Pharisees called Jesus “a friend of sinners” as an insult, but He took it as a compliment, because at the core of His mission is the goal of saving us by befriending us. He knows that in order to be “Fully Alive” we must be fully engaged with God and other human beings.